study guides
Study Guide - Physical Ability Test (PAT) Candidate Prep Guide
This Candidate Preparation Guide helps you prepare for the St. Louis Metropolitan Entry-Level Police Officer's Physical Ability Test and is divided into five major sections as follows:
Section 1: Summary of Physical Ability Test
​This section provides a description of the Physical Ability Test in which candidates will participate as part of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD) Police Officer Examination.
Section 2: Preparing to Begin a Fitness Program
​This section begins with a discussion of health factors that may affect your ability to perform the fitness program and the Physical Ability Test, continues with a discussion of principles of training and concludes with a fitness test for assessing your current level of fitness.
Section 3: Fitness Program
​This section presents a fitness program designed for a 12 week period. The program includes warm-up exercises, calisthenics, weight training, aerobic training and cool-down exercises.
Section 4: Weekly Log Pages
​This section provides log pages so that you can track your progress while participating in the fitness program.
Section 5: References
​This section lists the references used to develop the physical conditioning program. You can review these reference sources if you would like further information about physical fitness.
Study Guide - Law Enforcement Aptitude Battery (LEAB)
This Assessment Preparation Guide is designed to help you prepare for the Law Enforcement Aptitude Battery (LEAB). The LEAB consists of the following three test components:
Ability Test
Work Styles Questionnaire
Life Experience Survey
1. Ability Test
Assess a series of abilities, such as (but not limited to):
Written Comprehension
Problem Sensitivity
2. Work Styles Questionnaire
Assess work style related preferences and approaches to a variety of situations
3. Life Experience Survey
Assess candidates' past history and experience
All three LEAB test components will be scored and your scores from all three components will be combined to determine your continued eligibility in the selection process.
Please note that the order in which the three test components are administered is the same as the order in which they are listed above (i.e., Ability Test, Work Styles Questionnaire, and Life Experience Survey).
This guide provides an overview of the testing procedures, the types of questions you will encounter on each test component, and the systematic methods of study and preparation that you should use in preparing for each test component.
You should review this guide as many times as necessary to become comfortable with the information and test-taking strategies presented.
Written Exam: 40%
Study Guide - Oral Board Candidate Prep Guide
You will be asked to provide oral responses to a series of interview questions regarding various abilities that are important to the effective performance of entry-level police officers and you will be evaluated on each of these abilities.
Assessors will read you approximately 6 questions and you must provide an oral response to each question. Some of the questions may be related to one another and others are not. Assessors will tell you when questions are related to one another. As you respond, you may consider and discuss any aspect of your past experience that is relevant to the questions – school, work, home, or personal life.
These questions will NOT require technical knowledge of law enforcement, since the technical aspects of the job are learned in training. The exercise is designed to assess abilities, not specific knowledge about law enforcement. Because the Oral Board will be administered over a period of time, alternate forms of questions will be used. The alternate forms will be similar in difficulty.
Oral Interview: 60%